10 Bad Examples of UI UX Design in Real Life | Mobile App Development

Vatsal Mehta

Vatsal Mehta

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July 24, 2024

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Here are some examples of bad user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design in real-life scenarios that users may overlook or not notice explicitly, but they can still adversely impact the overall experience:

10 Bad Examples of UI UX Design in Real Life | Mobile App Development

10 Bad Examples of UI UX Design in Real Life | Mobile App Development

Here are some examples of bad user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design in real-life scenarios that users may overlook or not notice explicitly, but they can still adversely impact the overall experience: Additionally, we have included Modern UI UX Suggestions for mobile app development that we can look for as developers.

1. Poor Signage:

Example: In a large public space, unclear or poorly designed signs can confuse users. Users may struggle to find restrooms, exits, or specific locations.

Impact: Users might waste time searching, experience frustration, or even miss important information.

App Design Suggestion: In a navigation app, unclear icons or poorly labeled buttons can similarly confuse users. Clear labeling and intuitive icons are crucial for guiding users effectively.

2. Non-Intuitive Elevator Buttons:

Example: Elevator buttons that are poorly labeled or arranged in a confusing manner.

Impact: Users may press the wrong buttons, leading to inefficiencies and delays.

App Design Suggestion: In a productivity app, if the layout is cluttered or buttons are placed inconsistently, users may struggle to find the features they need. Consistent button placement and clear labeling can enhance user efficiency.

3. Inconsistent Door Handles:

Example: In a building with various doors, inconsistent design of door handles (e.g., some push, some pull) can create confusion.

Impact: Users may struggle with doors, causing minor inconveniences and potential embarrassment.

App Design Suggestion: In an e-commerce app, inconsistent navigation or unclear buttons can confuse users during the checkout process. Consistency in design elements and clear instructions can improve user experience.

4. Complex Thermostat Controls:

Example: Overly complicated controls on a thermostat that are difficult to understand and navigate.

Impact: Users may find it challenging to adjust the temperature, leading to discomfort and energy inefficiency.

App Design Suggestion: In a weather app, if the interface is cluttered with unnecessary information or lacks clear navigation, users may struggle to find the weather forecast for their location. Simplifying the interface and providing clear, intuitive navigation can enhance user experience.

5. Unintuitive Microwave Buttons:

Example: Microwave ovens with buttons that aren't clearly labeled or lack intuitive icons.

Impact: Users may have difficulty setting the microwave for the desired time or power level.

App Design Suggestion: In a recipe app, if the interface for setting cooking times or adjusting servings is unclear or difficult to use, users may struggle to follow recipes accurately. Clear labeling and intuitive controls can improve user experience.

6. Confusing Remote Controls:

Example: Television or entertainment system remote controls with numerous buttons and unclear functions.

Impact: Users may need help finding specific functions, leading to frustration and a less enjoyable viewing experience.

App Design Suggestion: In a media streaming app, if the interface is cluttered with unnecessary features or lacks clear organization, users may struggle to find their favorite shows or movies. Simplifying the interface and providing clear categorization can enhance user experience.

7. Overly Complicated Vending Machines:

Example: Vending machines with complex interfaces or unclear payment methods.

Impact: Users may have difficulty making a purchase, resulting in frustration and longer transaction times.

App Design Suggestion: In a retail app, if the checkout process is overly complicated or requires unnecessary steps, users may abandon their carts before completing the purchase. Streamlining the checkout process and offering multiple payment options can improve user experience.

8. Inconvenient Parking Meters:

Example: Parking meters with confusing payment procedures or malfunctioning interfaces.

Impact: Users may struggle to pay for parking, leading to fines or delayed plans.

App Design Suggestion: In a parking app, if the interface for paying for parking is unclear or lacks clear instructions, users may have difficulty completing the transaction. Providing step-by-step guidance and clear payment options can enhance user experience.

9. Misleading Road Signs:

Example: Road signs that are unclear, outdated, or poorly placed.

Impact: Drivers may make wrong turns, leading to navigation issues and potential safety concerns.

App Design Suggestion: In a navigation app, if the directions are unclear or outdated, users may take wrong turns and get lost. Providing real-time updates and accurate directions can improve user experience and safety.

10. Inefficient Public Transportation Ticketing Machines:

Example: Complex ticketing machines at public transportation stations.

Impact: Users may struggle to purchase tickets, leading to delays or missed connections.

App Design Suggestion: In a public transportation app, if the ticketing process is overly complicated or requires unnecessary information, users may abandon the app and choose alternative transportation methods. Simplifying the ticketing process and offering clear instructions can enhance user experience.

As shown by these examples, both physical and digital interfaces can have small design flaws that can frustrate, confuse, and inefficiently work for users. Enhancing user experience and satisfaction requires designing for clarity, simplicity, and intuitiveness in both real-world interactions and digital applications.

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Helmsman Consultancy Your Trusted UI/UX design agency in Ahmedabad, India offers end-to-end mobile app development services, including hybrid and enterprise solutions. We specialize in building custom iOS and Android apps with a focus on modern UI and UX.

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Vatsal Mehta


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